Bart/ March 19, 2017/ Last Trips/ 0 comments

This time I went with my friend Joakim Fylling on one of the  Norwegian island Haramsøya.
Of course I can choose any place similar to this and there are so many easily accessible places on the west coast of Norway,  but I wanted something different, unusual and less known 😉
This outing is proof that even in the bad weather we can make a pretty interesting photos.
The purpose this time  was to capture the rocky Atlantic coast in windy weather.
We has ben visited several locations on the island Haramsøya  and I must say that despite to the bad weather conditions, I am satisfied with the results.
At the beginning of this trip I had a little incident which I had almost overpaid whith my life.
Too much I approached the shore and one of the  wave nearly swept me into the ocean.
I’ll have a good lesson for the future. Even harmless-looking waves carry huge power.
Unfortunately, we were not able to film this 🙁

Very sorry for the poor sound quality, will be better next time 😉

A little later we went to the vicinity of the town Ålesund.
The weather was much better and we were able to do some cool photos of coast on the background
of the southern sky.


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